sustAGE is a solution aiming to support prevention of workplace risks and ill-health, improvement of physical and mental health and communication with peers, whilst allowing effective human resource management via informed recommendations for job role or task changes.
The sustAGE system will function in real environments inside and outside the workplace, monitor user states and actions and employ advanced spatio-temporal reasoning and predictive analytics than simply execute predefined instructions. The system will be able to run on off-the-shelf mobile devices and communicate with the user multi-modally. The sustAGE technology will consider information-rich micro-moments (a highly investigated topic of leading technology companies Google, Microsoft, Facebook, geared to be the “next big thing” in intelligent system design) to process the short- and long-term aspects of symbiotic interaction, to identify patterns of human behavior, draw correlation between actions, adapt to user-behavior, predict what humans want and don’t want, improve user’s acceptance and engage users in a successful long-term interaction.
Indicative key features of the sustAGE solution are:
- Function in real environments – indoor and outdoors – inside and outside the workplace.
- Monitor user states and actions via an IoT ecosystem in an unobtrusive and privacy-preserving way.
- Analyze user’s activities, extract important episodes – micro-moments and process the short-term and long-term aspects of symbiotic interaction for multi-aspect profiling.
- Provide advanced recommendations at three different levels: physical, mental, workforce according to the dynamic situation (space, time, activity).
- Promote a safe working environment, good physical and mental health and social engagement for individuals.
sustAGE involves a range of multi-disciplinary research and development areas:
Natural Language Understanding
Multi-modal state and trait estimation
Multi-source localization on EU GNSS.
Perception of user behaviors and action
Spatio-temporal reasonings
Workforce data analytics
Game-based cognitive training
Open, flexible and reconfigurable IoT ecosystem supporting heterogeneous and novel sensors